For nearly 25 years, the Omega Initiative has been fighting for transparency on the impact of polyunsaturated lipids added into the food system and helping families and communities thrive.
We lead an international collaboration of doctors to comprehensively review the literature on health outcomes when polyunsaturated lipids are tested
We're pushing for a world where the lipid content of a food is appropriately labelled, and consumers can easily find food without added polyunsaturated lipids
Help not harm is a core principle we embrace every time we review an ailment and issue a statement.
Not only do we work with qualified doctors, but we consistently bring more doctors into the fold so that patients can understand if dietary conditions are causing their issues.
All corporate funding is publicly disclosed. The independence of the Omega Initiative is paramount.
Finding food products unadulterated with polyunsaturated lipids is a hard task for consumers. From time to time we will highlight brands that release these products.
$0 of Corporate Funding as of 2024